Football Coaching Articles



When we launched in 2001, football coaching articles were a big part of the site. Contributed by  "guest writers" (in later years referred to as "guest bloggers"), the articles covered a wide range of topic areas and are now located at the The CompuSports Media Exchange - one of our affiliate sites.  The list of articles below includes many that first appeared here at

Early in 2021, the CompuSports Media Exchange became the host of The Play of the Day - one of football's longest-running daily publications produced by Coach Tony DeMeo.  The Play of the Day originally was focused on Option football and posts consisted of a "cutup" with game video from a single play in Coach DeMeo's Triple Gun Offense.  Since moving to the The CompuSports Media Exchange, Coach DeMeo, who continues to post daily, has expanded the topics and includes a weekly Motivational post, a High School Play of the Day, Free Chapters and Previews from his CoachTube courses and videos, and more ! 

Some popular articles from The CompuSports Media Exchange include :