The Flip Chart - A Video Demonstration

The Master Defense Electronic Flip Chart supplements The Master Defense by enabling the coach to "flip" through various Offensive Formations and Defenses to see how a Defense looks against an Offensive Formation. By clicking one of the Select a Formation links in the far left column, you can "flip" formations.

Once a Formation is displayed, if you Click on the Formation Name (it is a hyperlink), a new window will open to display an overview of that formation. Close the Window to return to the Formation (only) screen, and click the Back to Instructions hyperlink to return to these instructions.



The "online" flip chart is a replica of the original "paper" version and supports the presentation of The Master Defense concepts by making it possible for a coach to "flip" between Defenses and Offensive Formations and view supporting details of each.

A sample chapter and table of contents from The Master Defense eBook is available by visiting the CompuSports Media Exchange.